Technology elements illustrating cloud computing WebDirect Auto-Scaling

Meet your user demands at the lowest possible cost.

Enable your business-critical applications to automatically adjust resource capacity as users connect and disconnect.

WebDirect Auto-Scaling will scale up and down as user demands shift, allowing you to avoid the cost of running servers continuously when no users are connected. In addition, your deployment can automatically support spikes in user demand.

Consider a typical work week, in which most users log off after 6 PM each evening and do not log in on the weekends. The advantage of turning off servers when they are not in use becomes easy to see. In a scenario with 300 users accessing your system with servers always left on, you might pay for at least 48 hours a week for servers not being used. There is no way to handle a spike in the number of users.

You avoid excess waste, failed logins, and lost opportunities by automatically reducing the number of servers when users log off and increasing the number of servers when demand spikes with WebDirect Auto-Scaling.

Icon representing reducing costs
Reduce Your Costs

Reduce the cost of a multi-machine deployment dramatically — by 80% or more.

Icon with graph and plot points
How Auto-Scaling Works

Meet your demands at the lowest possible cost.
Learn more… WebDirect Auto-Scaling: Cost-effective Scaling for FileMaker Applications

Meet your user demands at the lowest possible cost with WebDirect Auto-Scaling.

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